As you may have noticed, Lipstick & Politics has a new look!
Here’s what’s new.

Cianna (Director of Media Relations) and Jessica Celine (Director of Content)
We’ve upgraded our categories to clearly define the subjects that we believe should be discussed the most. The two subcategories under each category further underline what we want to share and talk about with our readers. We’ve also re-emphasized our commitment to holding events that are informational, engaging, and relevant. We want to interact with the community about important topics as well educate on critical matters that are integral to the progress we want to see in a more equal future. Make sure to check out the Events tab for upcoming events and our social media channels for updates.

Mira (Lipstick & Politics Founder and CEO)
We have an online shop now too! The L&P T-shirt with our tagline, “Intelligence is sexy,” is available online and we’re only getting started with the L&P merch. Finally, you can see our Instagram feed at the bottom of site, next to our emailer sign-up. Make sure to follow our Instagram for some gorgeous visual content and get on our mailing list for a curated list of L&P articles you should read and local events to attend.

Tiffany (Multimedia Content Producer), Cianna, and Jessica Celine
We’d like to take a moment to invite any opinionated writers and content creators to contribute to our site. We want your fresh bold views. And last but not least, thank you to the L&P community who have supported us, attended our events, and read our articles for years. Stay tuned.