In our consumer-driven society, most of us are often caught up in the excitement of receiving the latest cool gifts. We are surrounded by advertisements and media constantly telling us that we are always lacking crucial material things for a better and fulfilling life. This way of thinking has conditioned us to continually get and buy things, even when we want to give them to someone else. But it’s important to practice the simple act of giving to others, especially to those who need it most. Because, chances are, we have more than enough to live. Children, women, and communities around the world do not. So for this holiday season, donate to non-profit organizations that you like or have causes that you care about. If you are able, commit to donations throughout the year. Every hard-working organization needs all the support they can get to further help those who need it.

Photo from Tostan
Here are some organizations to get you started.
- Planned Parenthood – Support them to help uphold reproductive rights and reproductive health.
- UN Women – Donate to help bring more awareness about sexual violence and female survivors.
- Tostan – Support their efforts to empower African communities for positive social and sustainable change.
- Girls Not Brides – Donate to aid their mission to end child marriage and cultivate girls’ potential.
- No Kid Hungry – Support their initiative to end child hunger in America.
- Malala Fund – Donate to ensure that girls around the world get quality education.
Besides these fantastic groups, you can also donate to a variety of nonprofit journalist/news organizations to help them continue giving quality reporting. It is more important now for journalists to deliver the truth as we head into the new year.