Women’s History Month is a time to remember the accomplishments, struggles, and lives of women. It is during this month that we are reminded of how women have taken risks and fought for women’s rights. We are reminded of how women have made incredible discoveries, but may not have received recognition for their work initially. We are reminded of how women are inspirations to everyone. There have been plenty of social media campaigns devoted to commemorating this month and we picked out a few of our favorites.
For #WomensHistoryMonth, we asked you to tell us about how you are empowering young women in your community. Here are some of the most inspiring stories we heard from all over the world: https://t.co/4jRIcYuRSZ pic.twitter.com/ARGP1hQkvl
— The Obama Foundation (@ObamaFoundation) March 20, 2018
Today, we honor the one and only Nora Ephron for #WomensHistoryMonth. (Illustration by @KimothyJoy) pic.twitter.com/FT915dYCVB
— HuffPostWomen (@HuffPostWomen) March 22, 2018
Meet Emily Pilloton. As the founder of @projecthdesign and @_GirlsGarage, she’s making history by empowering girls to build, engineer, and bring their ideas to life—and use those skills to lift up their communities. #WomensHistoryMonth (Illustration by @KimothyJoy) pic.twitter.com/zornx0gVeq
— Melinda Gates (@melindagates) March 21, 2018
Do you love Steven Universe? @rebeccasugar made that making her the first woman to independently create a series for @cartoonnetwork! For #WomensHistoryMonth, we asked her & others to share advice for those making history & for getting involved in the political process! pic.twitter.com/FICVeUdQRM
— Refinery29 (@Refinery29) March 19, 2018
Tennis legend @BillieJeanKing was ranked the number 1 professional tennis player in the world in 1966 and paved the way for all women in professional tennis to follow. #WomensHistoryMonth
Learn her story
https://t.co/0JArFYK4e6 pic.twitter.com/26xi4dB99M
— MAKERS (@MAKERSwomen) March 21, 2018