Photo from USA Today
The President of the United States Barack Obama wants to improve education in America. The USA is still globally ranked as average in educational attainment among 40 developed countries despite being a superpower. His proposal? Reduce the time spent on taking standardized tests. A study revealed in 2013 that for students in the Midwestern and Eastern school districts, a total of about 3-6 weeks of school are used to prepare and take state-mandated tests. Obama also proposes that the country needs to find a way to “test smarter.” He list three points:
- Only take tests that are worth taking.
- Tests should enhance teaching and learning.
- Tests should give an all-around look at how our students and schools are doing.
This may mean that testing may become more personalized, we have higher standards for teachers, and we take into account that each student learns information and skills differently. But testing does need to change somehow. There needs to be a better assessment and demonstration of kids’ understanding of subject that goes beyond filling in the right bubble. We could learn a little more from other countries about how to improve our education system so that our children are effectively learning, not studying, for future success.
Check out the video on Facebook! And you can read more about Obama’s Testing Action Plan here.
1 comment
We are all familiar with the pinlorasety test but if you are unfamiliar with Howard Garnder’s theory of multiple intelligences you can read more about them . Gardner’s philosophy is frequently referenced in educational theory when determining how students best learn new information.I was not at all surprised by my MB test. I am extroverted and social, I gather my information from observing (sensing) not self-reflection (intuitive), I trust reason and logic over feelings and I make decisions based on facts not personal perception.According to this test, I am an ESTJ or the Overseer which is defined as: responsible, logical, norm-following hard workers. Their efforts are carried out in a practical, structured manner. ESTJs trust facts and experiences more than theories. They are decisive, loyal, tradition observing individuals. They enjoy being the person in charge . Me? A desire to be in charge practical decisive likes structure who would have thought!No surprises here. I had to laugh that the career recommendations were: writer, researcher, teacher, editor and manager all of which are tasks in my current job.The MI test was more of a surprise. I did not think I was such a naturalist but then again it goes along with my perchance for gathering information from observation. And only a 10% in music, yes, that’s true too I can’t even whistle.