Bay Area-based marketing and technology specialist, Shannon Coulter, began a hashtag campaign called #GrabYourWallet to encourage shoppers to boycott stores that carry any Trump merchandise, including Ivanka Trump products. The boycott was prompted by the release of the infamous Trump tape from 2005. Coulter started the boycott primarily because she views Trump’s comments in the hot mic captured conversation and his general sexist rhetoric as unacceptable. But, she also finds Ivanka’s support for her father to also be unacceptable: “When she continued campaigning for Donald after the Trump Tapes I could no longer shop at stores that profit from her products either,” Coulter explained.
Coulter’s reasoning to boycott Ivanka Trump’s products is simple: Ivanka Trump’s has been an advocate for women, so her support for her father’s sleazy presidential run is a contradiction to her platform. Ivanka started a social media initiative last year called #WomenWhoWork to celebrate working women and she has rallied to support women in all aspects of their lives. She has built her brand by advocating for women. The Issue Coulter takes is that Ivanka is one of her father’s surrogates and still supports a man who has shown little respect for women. “[Ivanka Trump] puts women’s empowerment at the center of her brand,” Coulter said, “and is still campaigning for someone who is an alleged serial assaulter.”
About 50,000 people have voiced their support for Coulter’s boycott and millions have viewed her #GrabYourWallet tweets. If you’d like to participate in this boycott, below is a list developed and research by Coulter of all stores that have Ivanka Trump products, as well as instructions to urge these stores to discontinue Ivanka’s products and a list of alternative stores to shop.
Updated list. Now includes Marshalls. If you’d rather not see the name “Trump” anymore while you’re shopping, call these stores. Tell them.
— Shannon Coulter
(@shannoncoulter) October 14, 2016